How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

December 28, 2018

Dentist checking fit of Invisalign trayIf you’re thinking about starting an orthodontic treatment plan to align your smile, you want to take the time to consider all of your options. While a straighter smile usually leads to improved confidence and better oral health, getting there can be a real struggle if it means dealing with the hassles of bracket and wire braces. For many people, Invisalign alignment tray orthodontics just makes more sense. In this post, we’ll talk about some of the many benefits of treatment with Invisalign and factors that can impact the cost of your treatment plan. For most people who choose treatment with an alignment tray system over traditional braces, the cost of either orthodontic plan will be comparable. Best of all, most dental insurance providers now offer the same coverage for bracket and wire braces and Invisalign, giving you the freedom to choose an orthodontic solution that fits your lifestyle.

4 Benefits of In-Office Teeth Whitening

July 29, 2017

Woman with gorgeous smile following teeth whiteningWhen you look in the mirror, do you see a brilliant white smile that’s sure to make a great first impression? If not, you’re in good company. Every year numerous patients who are unhappy with the yellow, stained, or discolored appearance of their smile, and we can help! However, many of our patients believe in-office teeth whitening is as ineffective as the store bought whiteners they’ve tried. At Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, our Weatherford cosmetic dentist uses the Zoom! teeth whitening system to quickly and comfortably deliver brilliantly white smiles. If you want to see fast teeth whitening results, contact our office to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation today.

Weatherford dentists list foods that stain teeth

July 12, 2016

Healthy teeth can get stained say Weatherford dentists, Drs. Deborah Romack and Garrett Mulkey. Dietary changes keep whitened teeth looking bright.

Would you like your teeth to look youthful and bright? Have you had your teeth professionally whitened and desire to continue that great look? Drs. Deborah Romack and Garrrett Mulkey, your Weatherford dentists at Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, tell  patients that many of the everyday foods they enjoy discolor tooth enamel. Moderately consumed, these foods are fine when balanced with those that improve the look and health of tooth surfaces. (more…)

Teeth Whitening Weatherford, TX, Knows Will Make for a Brighter and Happier Smile

March 24, 2015

92589293If you want to make yourself look younger and seem more out-going, popular and even smarter, there’s only one thing you need to do. Whiten your teeth. That’s right. No need to bother with a facelift, self-help books or expensive courses. Just schedule an appointment for teeth whitening at Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of Weatherford. Dr. Deborah Romack and Dr. Garrett Mulkey have whitened the smiles of people in and around Weatherford, TX, and they can do the same for you. (more…)

You can have a Brilliant Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry in Weatherford, TX

December 24, 2014

158554263Is there something you’d like to change about your smile? Well, whether you’re thinking of a little change or something that will get noticed—“Wow! You look great!”—there is a cosmetic dentistry treatment for you. Dr. Deborah Romack and Dr. Garrett Mulkey of Cosmetic & Family Dentistry create beautiful smiles with cosmetic dentistry for patients in Weatherford, TX, and the surrounding areas. (more…)